One of the things I've been working on this year, however, has been making some Word Study resources for my Primary 5s who are good spellers. These resources have looked at things like suffixes, prefixes and root words. While North Lanarkshire's Active Literacy programme has spelling lists for kids at Stages 6/7, it relies on teachers developing their own material for any further word study.
Moving to a new stage can be time consuming. For me, one of the most time consuming parts is finding and/or creating the new resources you need to teach at a different level. I suspect that is the case for many teachers, so....
I'm posting the different files I've already made and used as part of our 'word study' programme this year, and I'll come back to this post and add others as I make them. If you are using North Lanarkshire's programme, these should hopefully be useful. But they can also be used with any kind of grammar or word study programme.
In each file, there are basic word study lists - which give 12-14 examples of words that begin with a given prefix, or end with a certain suffix, etc. Then there is an additional page for most of the files - this page varies a bit, but is most often a list of root words and/or definitions of the words the children will be working with (you can see an example above and below).

In the example at the top of this post, the original word list focuses on words with the prefixes 'pre' and 're'. In the file, you'll find both of the lists on the same page. I cut them out and folded the sheet in half - this gave me an A5 size document with the 'pre' words on one side and the 're' words on the other. The cards are laminated, so they can be re-used.
As a side note - the picture above says ABLE and IBLE Homophones - I made this mistake on my list, but the 'homophones' has been taken out of the file I've posted (I was originally going to focus on homophones that week, but decided against it).
-PRE and -RE prefixes
-ABLE and -IBLE suffixes
CO- COL- CON- and COM- prefixes
-LY and -ILY suffixes
FRACT FRAG and DICT word root list
-OUS and -IOUS suffixes