So, like many of you, I'm sure, this is something I've been working on.
This file has 2 versions of a 'Candy Store' 2 times table picture (click the 'Candy Store' picture above to access the Google Slides folder that contains all of the files). Children multiply each number on a candy jar by 2, writing the answer in the candy jar next to each number. Once they are finished, they can then color the picture. Hopefully, the addition of the coloring job helps solve the 'What can I do now?' problem for your fast finishers!
When teaching multiplication, however, I always want the children to be able to reference a visual representation of a multiplication equation. So the coloring page also asks them to find 'How many groups of 2 children' and create a multiplication equation based on that question.
On one of the coloring pages, there are no children - so their equation should be: 0 x 2 = 0.
One the second coloring page, there are 2 groups of 2 children, so their equation should be: 2 x 2 = 4.
The digital version is the same as the coloring page versions, so the same answer key should be used for both.
Thinking of all teachers as we prepare to go back to the classrooms. Stay safe everyone.