But I managed to get most of this LONG A resource finished last night - just needed to finish off a few things before I could get it posted. I was pleased with the picture of the children playing with sand pails for the front (it's good when you can be pleased by the simple things, right?).
Link is clickable, as always. There are quite a few picture flashcards for both phonemes (dipthongs for Americans), organised in difficulty order. Hopefully this will be useful - I thought it made sense to put these two long A sounds together. I'm still working on finishing all of the CVCe picture flashcards (which will have the A-E spelling pattern in it, of course).
Now - this evening I really do have to start getting some actual 'Back to School' planning done, as we are starting again in a week and a half (and we are away on holiday most of next week - eek!).