This is borrowed from the States, where many schools count each day they are in school, and then celebrate when they reach Day 100. That usually happens some time in February - and who doesn't need a reason to celebrate in cold, dark February?!
Along with providing some much needed cheer, however, this routine is wonderful for building number sense in our littlest learners. Last year, all of the classes in our infant department set up ‘100 Days of School’ displays, and we all counted how many days we’d been in school that year by adding a new dot into a 10 frame each morning.
This routine is very simple and takes very little time, yet it gives children a very real sense of the size of different numbers, as well as reinforcing place value concepts. My Primary 1s (kindergarteners) did not have difficulties this year with figuring out the difference between 26 and 62 – using the ‘Counting the Days’ display gave them daily concrete experience with the reason why numbers in the 20s have 2 groups of 10, while numbers in the 60s have 6 groups of 10. And almost all of my P1s could easily read numbers beyond 100 at the end of the year (this is not something that could be said for my Primary 1s before I started this particular routine!).
This file includes a Title for your display, a page of 10 frames (just copy them to get the number of frames that you need),and number cards for the decade numbers from 0-200. I use these cards to label each 10 frame once we fill it up. You can see this in the picture below to the left – this was my display last year. To the right, you'll see 3 images from the file you can download - as you can tell, I've given the display a bit of a face lift!
There are also some blank number cards (you can see these after the '90' below) – these are for writing the day’s number when you are NOT on the decade. For example, when you reach day 16, you would have the ‘10’ card next to the first 10 frame, then rub out ’15’ that you wrote on the blank card the day before, and change it to ‘16’. The card with ‘16’ written on it would then go next to the 10 frame that has 6 dots (in the picture, the last card says ‘177’ because that is how many dots total there are). There are number cards (counting by 10) in this pack going up to 200, as I found it was helpful to keep counting after we'd had our 100 day celebration.