We've been looking at 'Picturing Peacock' (visualisation) as a reading comprehension strategy, so we've linked that reading strategy into our writing. How can we write interesting descriptions that help our readers to visualise our story?
Last week, my 2 phonics groups were working on OA and MB respectively, so I made writing prompts for a goat and a lamb. While we practice our phonemes, we can also practice writing descriptions (there is so much to fit in, I always like it when I can do 2 things at once). Both of the files give you two options for the prompts. You can either use the full page prompt (with a back page with extra lines if needed) - I use these when I plan to hang the finished writing up on the wall or on a washing line strung across the room), or you can use the slips of paper - just cut out a prompt for each child and have them paste it into their jotter as a reminder of what you are looking for from their description.