Mental maths is a regular component of our whole class maths time, and it is usually how we begin our maths block. In P1, my class enjoyed our 'Number of the Day' routine. As it's a structure that can easily be adapted to different age groups, I was re-looking at it this afternoon, with a view to adapting what I've been doing for Primary 3.
I knew I needed to adjust the difficulty level. But like my picture flashcards, when I looked again at the 'Number of the Day' cards I used last year, I thought they would benefit from a bit of an overhaul. You can see some of the cards I used last year in the picture below (the different 'task cards' changed each week or every other week, to keep the routine fresh and to make sure we were practicing a variety of maths skills).

In the file, there are a variety of different cards, so you can pick and chose what will work for you. I've also included sheets that can be used like the 'Adding' and 'Subtraction' sheets (in white and orange respectively) in the picture to the right. I'm planning on copying the sheets from my new pack onto different coloured paper, so that the 2 operations are clearly differentiated from each other for the class.
I need to get back to my planning, but I have some more thoughts on how I've used Number of the Day in the past, as well as ways I'm planning to change my NotD routine this year. Please check back if your interested in hearing a bit more about how I've used this resource and how I plan to use it this coming year. Hope your Back to School planning is going well!